Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's my flappin religion spurts Halal Habibi

A muslim is found in Dublin cutting the heads of ducks with a garden hoe to serve 'em up in his yummy resterwrongt. Makes me want to go down the chipper and eat some starchy bags of grease. This little number is another pass it under the radar, Britney Spears flabathon is getting a lot more attention and space than this irate turbo turban.

The poor meat mahdi said it was an insult to his religion to stop him from doing this cruel slaughter. He had 25 mallard mammies lined up for the chop. Sometimes an animal cruelty case may make national news usually they don't, they might make local news. No danger of this making much news. Really though whats the difference between this charmer killing a quacky and a poor cow getting its troat slit in the Sligo Halal slaughter house?

"It had everything to do with animal cruelty" the DSPCA officer said, well he must of being refering to the animals being in a state of distress and having to live their brief lives in their own excrement. He could hardly be refering to the bit where they were being tied up and having their troats slit.

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